Wednesday, January 4, 2012

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R 2 0 1 2 ! ! !

I'm already back at work the day after New Years and I am suffering from lack of sleep. I sure did take advantage of my 2 weeks off sleeping till noon almost every day. haha Now it's tough getting back into work schedule. Waking up at 5:45 am is killer for me!!

Aside from work, the new year is looking good so far. I did make New Year's resolutions for me but I made it short and manageable. (I think?)

1. Be more patient
2. Walk my dog at least 2 times a week
3. Lose 15 lbs. by Spring break

Let's hope that I stay consistent and true to my resolutions :) So how was everyone's new years? Mine was wonderful. Got to spend it with a few of my close friends. Had dinner at McCormick & Schmitz with a special baby announcement from a very close friend. Rang in the new years at a friends house with fireworks. Had my midnight kiss with the love of my life. I couldn't have asked for a better night. I'm just so thankful for everything in my life. I got a loving and healthy family with a wonderful supportive boyfriend and a group of friends I love and adore and a great job with a group of kiddos that keep my young and alive :)

Below are some pictures captured the night of New Years Eve! Enjoy!

dress: rachel roy || shoes: bcbg || clutch: tory burch || watch: mkors

it's a girl!!!

my little sister and I

group of girls hugging baby girl!!

<3 pocketfulofapples


  1. Happy new year! As for your resolutions, you don't look like you need to lose any weight :)

  2. Aww you're wearing shadow! You're so beautifulll...gonna borrow that dress one day ok? Thanks ;-)

  3. awww your friends are so cute!! and you look so gorgeous!! :)))

  4. Hi Ivy, I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, which recognizes new bloggers in the blogger community. The rules are on my blog. :)


  5. yay happy new year ivy!! and congrats to your friend!!

    love kat

  6. Got here from your sisters blog, and I must say you are stunning! Love your hair.

    vonnie <3

  7. Stumbled upon your blog via another site, and I love it! Your outfits are great... loving the neon on you. I'm your newest follower and will be stopping by often! I hope you'll check out my blog, Gingersnaps too, and follow back if you like it :)

  8. You are so cute! I actually went to the huge BCBG sale and got 6 bridesmaids dresses for my girls!

    Love your blog!

  9. thanks for the nomination! I'm afraid I can't see the Liebster award =/ Maybe it's something about my browser? Anyways I love you blog! I'm following now!


  10. I love your outfit and this pictures, you look so good, that dress is really beautiful, the color, the shape, the length are all perfect also you are very beautiful and your shoes rock! Your blog is lovely by the way and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic
