Monday, January 9, 2012

dose of laughter

Finally got to reunite with my group of girls for one of their birthday celebration. Now that we're all getting older, it's so difficult to find time out of our busy lives to get together. Seems like the only time we do ever get together is for special occasions such as birthdays....

It was nice nonetheless to reunite with my what we call each other, Super 7s. A lot of catching up, laughter and fun with good food and the Texans game to celebrate our win! wahoo! I'm not much of a football fan as I am for other sports, but just being around a group of rowdy, fun people cheering always makes it fun to watch and be around :)


Thank you so much to Tricia from Styles of a Pharmatrician for nominating me for the
 Liebster Blog Award. As her sister, I am very flattered and honored. Tricia has a very cute and unique style to her that brings out her personality. Be sure to visit her!
The Liebster Blog Award is an award for new bloggers with less than 200 followers.

The rules of the award are :
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
3. Copy & paste the blog award on your blog
4. Reveal your 5 blog picks.
5. Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog

My 5 nominations are:
<3 pocketfulofapples


  1. you look amazing! as always! i also thought of nominating mangotatoes [love her style!] but i thought she already has over 200 followers? idk maybe im mistaken. great picks!

    love kelly

  2. yes, I am sure I will love the US :)
    how about following each other? let me know and I will follow you back:)

  3. thank you Ivy - you are so sweet! keep up the great work w your blog!

  4. i love that top! its always nice to catch up with friends :)

    love kat

  5. UPDATE PLEASE! geez im tired of reading the same one... <3
