Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December wedding


A few years ago, me and a group of girls bonded together over happy hour at Kona Grill.  We laughed together, cried together, volunteered together, got creative with each other, basically we spent alot of time together and became really close friends in college. We all graduated together in hopes to become the best elementary school teacher :) We've all found our own niche and teaching now.

I remember one of our many conversations we had at Kona Grill. Marriage. Who would be the first? All eyes were on me because of course, I was the only one far into a relationship at the time. But who knew?

Congrats to Kim & Steve! So happy to see them happy :)

<3 pocketfulofapples


  1. you are beautiful!


  2. Thank you very much for the lovely comment on my blog - really appreciate it :)

    Lovely blog - Now following! :) You look gorgeous in this post and big congrats to the bride and groom! :)


  3. Hi there! I just stumbled upon your blog and I can say it's great. You really have a wonderful style!
    Oh I would love to attend a wedding soon too: dress up, partying and stuff ;)
    Have a look at my blog, please. How about following each other? xoxo Nini

  4. such a pretty wedding!! lovee your hair and dress!! :)
    love kat
