Friday, December 30, 2011

High School Reunion

Attended one of my friend's Christmas gathering at her cute little apartment. Been friends with these group of beauties since middle/high school school days. We hadn't been in the same room since many years ago so I was very glad to be here this night to catch up on loss times.

Thanks Kat for being a great hostess and having me there. It was fun! :) and Kelly for the bombdiggity sliders!

<3 pocketfulofapples

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December wedding


A few years ago, me and a group of girls bonded together over happy hour at Kona Grill.  We laughed together, cried together, volunteered together, got creative with each other, basically we spent alot of time together and became really close friends in college. We all graduated together in hopes to become the best elementary school teacher :) We've all found our own niche and teaching now.

I remember one of our many conversations we had at Kona Grill. Marriage. Who would be the first? All eyes were on me because of course, I was the only one far into a relationship at the time. But who knew?

Congrats to Kim & Steve! So happy to see them happy :)

<3 pocketfulofapples

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Coal Vines

top & leggings: f21 // boots: bakers // purse: mj

fried cucumbers

salmon tartare - soo delicious!

Coal Vines Regular Pie with extra garlic

my handsome boyfriend :)

My apologies for the lack of update. I've been trying to get in all my last minute shopping for all my loved ones. Attended many holiday parties that last couple days. With secret santas, white elephants and all sorts of gift exchanges, all I really had time for was wrapping presents.

With all the shopping craze, I did manage to squeeze in some alone time with boyfriend. We went to a Pizza & Wine Bar called Coal Vines in Sugarland. It was a very small, quaint little place. Perfect spot to enjoy a glass of wine with your loved one. Food was delicious! Especially the fried cucumbers they gave before you ordered.

Well Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Stay warm and I hope you guys get everything you want and wish for :)

<3 pocketfulofapples

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Got my hands on the Silver Swan Bracelet from Jewelmint.  This is my 2nd piece from them and I absolutely adore their products and packaging. I was so excited to see this arrive on my front door step. And I cannot wait to wear it.

For some that may not know, this website was created by actress Kate Bosworth. All the jewelry pieces are created by her. They're all unique pieces and can only be found on the Jewelmint website. Most of the jewelry sell out pretty quick and I wasn't able to get my hands on some of the pieces I wanted. So sad!

Here are the ones I have saved in my cart but were sold out :(

1. Cosmic Fusion Necklace
2. Savoy Bracelet
3. Odyssey Necklace

On a happy note, I just ordered my 3rd piece a few minutes ago because it's surprisingly back in stock.

It's the Arabian Nights Bracelet. Such a beautiful piece! ah! Can't wait to get it in the mail.

<3 pocketfulofapples

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Festival of Lights

Busy busy busy! With this being the last week of school, it's been so crazy busy for me trying to get grades in time for progress reports. On top of that, I've been having to shop around for my students, faculty members, family and friends. There are so many parties to attend this week + another wedding this weekend.

Crazy weekend ahead of me but I am happy because I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Only 1 1/2 more days left before I can relax and get away from these crazy kids!


Last weekend, boyfriend and I went with another couple to this event they have in Galveston at Moody Gardens called Festival of Lights. Every year Moody Gardens sets up this event during the holidays. They light up a bunch of Christmas lights that extends for at least a mile. This was my first time going and it was really nice/romantic and it put me and boyfriend into the holiday spirits.

<3 pocketfulofapples

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Breakfast Klub

The weather is changing and I'm slowly starting to adjust. I'm such a summer/spring kind of girl. I love basking in the sun and wearing bright fun shades of colors and wearing tank tops and shorts. Purple lips and pruny fingers, static on my hair and getting shocked everytime I touch metal isn't very enjoyable. So whenever there's a cold, gloomy day....the only thing keeping a smile on my face is "comfort food". haha

I was totally craving for Chicken & Waffles & The Breakfast Klub. The line to this place was wrapped around the corner of this restaurant but it was well worth the wait.

sweater: gap // jeans: levis // shoes: minnetonka // scarf: uo

<3 pocketfulofapples