Hello all! I have noticed on more than a few occassions that whenever I try to comment other blogs or try to comment people back, it won't allow me too. For example, most blogs have a drop down menu to select a profile before you comment such as
- Google Account
- Live Journal
- Wordpress
- TypePad
- OpenID
If you have only these options, it won't allow me to leave a comment and it gets so frustrating because I'm dying to leave one but I can't. So I've either tried to follow you or tried to reach you in some way to let you know that I'm acknowledging you. So please help by going to your Settings > Comments > and fixing your settings to where Anonymous people or Name/URL people can comment!
Thanks! AND TGIF tomorrow!!! I need a break from these kids. I'm counting down the days before Thanksgiving break because teachers/students get an entire week off! Woohoo! Time for relaxation :)
<3 pocketfulofapples
haha that's some good advice. :)
ReplyDeletelove kelly
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