Sunday, September 11, 2011

clear skies

Weather in Houston is so bipolar. Just a few weeks ago, the weather ranged between 100-108 degrees. Extremely hot to the point where the district wouldn't allow teachers to let the students out for recess. It was miserable. But since the weather here in Houston is so bipolar, it's been so gorgeous with clear skies and a nice breeze. Reminded me of California weather.

Boyfriend and I took advantage of the weather of course and have been doing a lot of outdoor activities such as taking our dogs out to the dog park, flying kites (for my very 1st time ever!), going to the dollar store to purchase water balloons to play water balloon war with each other during our Labor Day weekend.

I apologize for my lack of updates. I've been very tired during my week of work that I just literally want to prance around in a white tee + jean shorts + my toms. My boyfriend finds me most attractive when I wear white tees and jeans. So I give him just that :)

her kite

his kite

bowser came out to play

my balloons= green, boyfriends= blue, his brother= purple

Turbo & Bowser (frenemies)

Bowser with a smile on his face after the dog park. He makes my heart warm :)

<3 pocketfulofapples

1 comment:

  1. yay for flying kites! i have yet to been to the dog park. must go!! and its so funny because sebastian is the same exact way, he loves it when i dress down! i guess its a guy thing lol

