Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Home sweet home

Home sweet home! Although it's super nice to travel around everywhere, nothing beats sleeping in your own bed. I'm back home and leaving again Thursday to Viva las Vegas! I loved the scenery of Boston and getting to ride the subway everywhere I went. I sometimes wish instead of driving in cars, we had subways to get from one place to another. Boston had amazing food such as their lobster rolls. *drools* and they had one of my favorite flowers planted everywhere, hydrangeas. Me and the boyfriend took lots of pictures. I havent uploaded any from his camera but Ill leave you with a few of my favorite pictures captured from my camera.

beautiful swans at the park

our walk to the Boston Public Library

There were so many outdoor markets. I love it!

They sold humongous sunflowers!

This was inside the Boston Public library. Something you see in movies. I was very intrigued...

courtyard of the library. There was a live singer and she had an audience

Brunch Cruise

i'm on a boat

Cobblestone streets everywhere. I loved it

hydrangeas everywhere

I can't believe after I come home from Vegas, I have to start work again already. Time flies but it's time I go make a difference in these kids lives. I love what I do so I'm excited to go back. :)

<3 pocketfulofapples


  1. Great photos - I need to visit Boston one day!! Have a blast in Vegas girl

  2. i love boston too! i haven't been in YEARS but it's definitely on my return-list! have fun in vegas - just not TOO much fun, since you have to go back to work. those pics are gorgeous, it makes me want to go back to boston ASAP!

    xoxo, steph h.

  3. Beautiful photos! Great white dress! Love it! nice blog! :))

    Please, if you have time, visit my blog:

  4. great pics. love your white dress!
