Monday, March 12, 2012


Now that I am on my spring break, I have tons of free time to myself. Reminiscing through my old photo albums on a previous trip to San Francisco 2 years back. I definitely left my heart there and would love to go back sometime soon.  Unfortantely, I don't have a sufficient amount of funds to do so right now so I'm just sitting here wishfully dreaming I was there.

On a more positive note, I will be taking a road trip to good ol Austin, Tx. towards the end of the week. Gotta get out of Houston before work starts again. I'm highly anticipating this little getaway even though its just a few hours away from home. It's a much needed trip for me. I'm going to relax and enjoy it with my wonderful boyfriend :)

<3 pocketfulofapples

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sunny Blues

top & cardigan: f21 // jeans: levis // bracelets: gifted from thailand // necklace: gifted from greece // bag: mjacobs

Since my last post, I vented on how bipolar Houston weather was. The weather gods must've read my blog or something because since the weekend passed, the weather has been amazingly beautiful!! It felt like Spring arrived because the sun was out to play and we even had breeze with NO humidity! I loved it. I retired my winter gear and pulled out some spring colored items from my closet.

This month's been very stessful and overwhelming for me. I took my father to the ER 2 weekends ago and found out he has gallstones in his gallbladder. He has to surgically remove his gallbladder.  Got rear ended (minor accident but the impact was hard especially since I didn't have my seatbelt on in the backseat).  ANDDD work has been extremely stressful for me. But thank goodness for Spring break because I am desperately needing some relaxation time!

Hopefully with that being said, I'll be able to post more for you guys! :)

Have a great week y'all!

<3 pocketfulofapples