I know I've mentioned in one of my previous posts that I didn't want to think of hopping on a plane or taking any vacations for awhile but I've been really thinking about where my next vacation will be. So I went back to my old photos and started reminiscing over one of my many vacations this summer, Cancun, Mexico. It was an all inclusive trip with people I absolutely adore (boyfriend, little sister and her bf). It was our 1st double vacation trip together and we had so much fun on this trip. I love basking in the sun near the water so this was the spot for me to be at during my spring break. Below is a lovey picture of me and boyfriend enjoying the day near the water.

Although I prefer relaxing at the beach on my time away from home, I just love traveling in general. I'd love to travel to as many places as I can before I settle down and start a family. I've been pretty lucky to have been able to travel to all these places with the summers off I have as a teacher. So I've been to many places over the span of 2 years such as San Fran, San Diego, LA, NYC, Orlando, Miami, Vegas, Boston, Cancun, New Orleans, Chicago and other places I traveled to when I was younger (Vietnam, Canada, Colorado, Virginia, Pensacola and the list just goes on...)
So my dreams have always been to travel to Europe, Korea and Thailand. Not all at once of course but just one of those places would be nice. I'm beginning to start a savings in hopes that I'll be able to go to Europe first in the summer. Wish me luck!
<3 Pocketfulofapples